
China Neodymium Magnet Industry 20160125

Analysis of Investment Opportunity & Risk of Neodymium Magnet Industry for 2015-2020 

Analysis of Investment Opportunity of Neodymium Magnet Industry 
for 2015-2020

1. Analysis of Investment Potential of NdFeB Magnets Industry
With the increasing of governmental support on new energy automobile and wind power industry, neodymium magnet industry, as the upstream industry, Neo industry will meet new opportunity of development. Many permanent magnet manufacturers will probably expand the capacity or import technology, in order to realize their rapid development.

Sintered Neodymium Magnets with NiCuNi Coating

2. Analysis of Investment Attraction of NdFeB Magnets Industry 
When visiting Shanghai Automotive Industry Corporation, Chinese President, points out that developing of new energy automobile is the only way for China to transform from a big automobile country to a powerful country, which indicates that new energy automobile will become the mainstream develop of China’s automobile industry. Data show that in 2014, the amount of domestic new energy automobiles reached 75000. On average, every car needs 7kg of magnets. Industrial experts expect that in 2015 and 2016, new energy automobile will in a geometrical ratio. Meanwhile, the demand of neodymium magnets will dramatically go up, which plays a driving role in NdFeB permanent magnet industry.

Analysis of Investment Risk of Neodymium Magnet Industry from 2015 to 2020

1. Analysis of Market Competition
In market competition, the basic motives and gold of competition is to maximize the revenues, but this does not always can realize. In fact, competition brings danger of not achieving the expected interest goal or suffering economic loss. In market competition, there are many uncertain factors. Although every competitor wants to realize expected interest goal, not all of them can success. Definitely, some competitor will lose the competition and suffer loss.

With the liberation of policy, foreign neodymium magnet manufacturers set up joint ventures or sole proprietorship, which makes the competition much fiercer. Moreover, domestic enterprises have cost advantages. Some enterprises adopt low-price strategy to grab more market share, which also increases competition.

2. Analysis of Technology Risk
Cost of many projects includes equipment and technology. So we should have a clear idea what the technology we buy includes. Is it only the right to use the technology or transfer of technology? Some people may sell the technology to many customers. Of course, the key is how much the technology worth. In order to reduce risk, we should earn a percentage of every technology we sell.

3. Analysis of Other Risks
During “Thirteenth Five-year” period, government strength the regulation of neodymium permanent magnet industry, risk of industrial policy will increase.

