
Magnet Coated with Teflon 20150327

Permanent Magnet Manufacturer China Rare Earth Magnet Limited 

China Rare Earth Magnet Limited manufactures Teflon coated permanent magnet .
Teflon is called the king of plastic, composed by tetrafluoroethylene, with excellent chemical stability and corrosion resistance.
High temperature resistance: Its working temperature can reach 250°C.
Corrosion Resistance: It shows inertness in most chemical drugs, resistant to strong acid and alkalis, water and various and organic solvent.
High lubricating property: It is has the lowest coefficient in solid materials.
Resistance to low temperature: It has nice mechanical toughness. Even if the temperature lowers to -196°C, it maintains 5% of elongation.
No adhesion: It has the smallest surface tension in solid material, which is not adhesive.
Resistant to climate: It can maintain its surface and performance when exposed to air for a long time. It has the best aging life in plastic.

Some clients requested neodymium permanent magnets with black Teflon coating . We can also supply blue color, white color.

China Rare Earth Magnet Limited
Tags: Teflon Coating, Permanent Magnet, Teflon Coated Magnet

